So I've decided rather than get up, have coffee, give myself a chance to wake up and then get ready to run, I'll set my shoes and shorts and heart rate monitor next to the bed and before my feet even hit the floor, I'll put them on.
It's so easy to just say "screw it" and blow off a run. To say "I'll do it tomorrow." Anyone who's ever been on any kind of a training schedule knows this, I mean hell, it's 5:00 in the morning for Christ's sake! I should be sleeping. But having to actually take off my running shoes and blow off my run is more than just procrastination, it's a slap in face to the commitment I've made.
So I'll put on my shoes, head out the door and struggle through that first mile, which is always a bitch, no matter how fit I am, and I'll do my run, knowing that in a few minutes I'll be glad I did.
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