Thursday, December 16, 2010

Oh sweet sweet Winter. How I hate thee.

I will start by saying that I hate the cold. I really really hate the cold. I don't like snow, or rain, I do kinda like fog, but that's only because at night it's creepy. I've never seen sleet, so I can't really comment on that, but I'm guessing it sucks as bad as all the other wintry crap we have to deal with from November to February (I also don't like when people peonounce the "r" in February, it sounds pretentious. I'm not too fond of the "r" in raspberry either) but I digress...(not too crazy about people saying that either)

I'm pretty okay with wallowing in my own hate for winter, but what really chaps my ass is when someone says "Oh, I love this time of year" or "Oh my, I LOVE the rain!" What's even worse is that asshat that, without fail, whether we're in a drought or not, says "You know, we really need the rain." I could be floating down the street in a canoe in the middle of June and you know damn well that same jerk will still be saying that we need the rain.

I don't like having to put on four layers of clothes to go to the store, nor do I like having a runny nose and numb fingers after being outside for 60 seconds

I'm a summer kind of guy and I like it hot. I have no problem hopping on the bike and riding 50 miles when it's 100+ degrees. I love it! I guess living with Sacramento summers for 25 years has done that to me.
Now I'm sure there are some weirdos out there that are thinking "How can anyone say they like it when it's 100 degrees out? It's so miserable"  Well let me tell you that you're wrong, I'm right and this is my blog so that's that. You can go around the corner to the guy who hates summer's blog a read his blather.

Now I get the whole "light a fire and snuggle up on the couch with your pookie and watch  movies all day on a rainy Saturday. Who doesn't like that every once in a while? I've been known to pick up a presto log and a few romantic comedies on occasion, but mainly it's only because THERE'S NOTHING ELSE TO DO!!! .

Acceptable reasons for liking the winter-

1) Skiing
2) Snowboarding

I've never skiid...what? the hell DO YOU SPELL THAT???

I've never liked skiing, so I can' t love winter for that. I used to snowboard, but I don't anymore, so there goes that reason.

So really, there are no reasons to like winter anymore.

I guess for me, it really boils down to time on the bike. Which, in this shit weather, is virtually nil. I thrive when on my bicycle and am noticeably grumpier when I can't be on it at least four days a week.
Every year it rains and every year I bitch about it. You'd think I'd learn to just suck it up and learn to enjoy the time off, but I can't. I just can't.

So to all you people that "love" the rain so damn much...

Well, I don't really know what to say to you, but when I do think of something witty and sassy to say to you, you can bet I'll say it and you'll be all like "whoa, he really hates the rain and the people that love it."

I'm gonna go not ride my bike now.


  1. Aww. Thanks for the sentiment :D

  2. I like riding my bike in winter because I can't feel how much my legs hurt. There's also fewer cars on the road near the lakes and rivers where I like to ride. Winter also makes summer feel hotter. So yay for winter!
