Monday, June 21, 2010

Oh Glory be! It's Dinner Time!

Any of you that know me, or have seen my midsection that is sometimes mistaken for one of those yoga balls you do crunches on (insert double entendre here), know that I like to eat. No, I LOVE to eat.
I also love to cook! Especially lately. I've been going bananas in the kitchen.
I rarely follow any kind of recipe unless it's something like crepe batter or some crazy dish I've never made before. For the most part, I wing it. Yes my dishes for the time being are simple and as I grow in the kitchen, so will my list of sexy, exotic ingredients.
It's weird how I turned out to be a pretty good cook, considering my Dad was no Emeril and couldn't cook his way out of a paper sack (does that even make sense?) and my Mom (Sorry Mom, I love you) was no Martha Stewart. Don't get me wrong, she had some killer dishes. Chicken cacciatore, Chicken Kiev, a pretty mean spaghetti sauce and I'm sure  few more that I can't remember, which I'm sure she will remind me of quite angrily in about 30 minutes.
Unfortunately, she had a failure or two as well. Like the one called "Chow Mein" that, as I found out later in life, was not actually chow mein at all but some the f**k do you spell that damn word? concoction of vegetables and bean sprouts that could only be called "crap mein."
Hey Mom, remember that big pan of corn bread with hot dogs in it you made that one time? Or your boyfriend's lasagna that had HARD BOILED EGGS IN IT? No? Well I do. (did I mention how much I love you?)


Cooking is fun. It's cheaper than eating out (duh) and for the most part, is healthier. (please keep in mind that when I say something is "healthy" I'm comparing it to a giant taqueria burrito or a large pizza, so it's all relative.) It's a great way to get together with friends and experiment with new stuff and it's super cool when you actually pull off a winner.

So I'll be regularly posting pics of some of the delectable delights that are flowing out of my kitchen faster than my Mom could ruin a casserole.

Tonight was crepe night. This bad unit had asparagus, mushrooms, garlic, onion and a bit of pesto. Sounds delish, huh? Well is WAS! The pic doesn't really do it justice, but hey, I"m a cook damn it! Not a photographer!

And you can't make a dinner crepe without making a dessert crepe. yes? This wonderful delight had fresh strawberries, whipped cream, chocolate sauce, almonds and some sauce I made out of heavy whipping cream, vanilla and powdered sugar.
Needless to say, it's not around anymore.

I think I may just hop on the treadmill for a little while...if I can waddle over to it.


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